Introductory Thoughts

  • Iron (Fe)

    • Having too much iron can accelerate aging.

    • We need iron for hemoglobin, but the levels don’t need to be as high as we thought.

    • People will longer lives tend to have lower iron.

    • High iron can create zombie cells.

  • Free Radicals

    • Three types

      • Superoxide

        • Can lead to damaged proteins, which can be ridden due to fasting
      • Superoxide anion

        • Creates most of the oxidative stress within the body
      • Hydrogen peroxide

        • Bad for your body
    • Too much iron will create some of these radicals and prevent the “removal” of others.

    • Measure your iron to understand if you need more or less iron (and the type of iron).

  • Diet

    • Eat less often

    • Eat more plants

    • Take a rest from food to turn on your body’s protective methods.

Mimic Biological Adversity

  • Survival Circuit

    • 1980 - We didn’t know genes could control aging

    • In the 1990s, Cynthia found that worms could live longer based on a gene mutation.

      • The gene was associated with gene mutation.
    • Sirtuins and D2 genes

      • These genes speak to the rest of the cells to live longer.

      • The worms can live longer because these worms were programmed to survive longer.

      • These worms were able to mimic starvation have the benefits of starvation without starving.

  • How do genes know that they need to turn on survival mechanisms

    • Sensors

      • mTOR - Sensing levels of amino acids in a cell

        • Lower levels of branch amino acids down-regulate mTOR
      • AMPK - Senses energy

      • Sirtuin - Senses NDA, which goes up with exercise and hunger

    • Cells communicate with each other through insulin

      • Insulin is a signaling protein
    • We’ve always had to fight off adversity

      • But now our society is based on comfort

      • The body doesn’t expend energy to protect itself

      • We need to trick the body to get out of its comfort zone and protect us.

        • Intermittent fasting with adequate nutrition
    • Benefits of adversity

      • Burn fat

      • Increase metabolism

      • More alert

      • Defend your body from infections and internal diseases

  • Get off your butt

    • Sitting down is bad for us.

      • Lower testosterone

      • Lower muscle mass, particularly in the hips

    • Stand up, walk, run, cycle

      • Force your body to suck in more oxygen

Benefits of Exercise

  • Exercise isn’t just beneficial for fitness and vitality. It can stop diseases

    • It can slow down and prevent 23% of cancers

    • 30% reduction of heart disease

    • At least 50 minutes a week

  • Most diseases are an accumulation of symptoms of aging.

  • Horvath clock - The biological clock

  • Slowing down the biological clock can be done by exercise.

  • Try to get 4000 steps, get off your ass.

  • Walk after eating

    • It gets your glucose levels to level out.

    • Get your muscles moving, and stimulate the creation of blood vessels.

  • Creates a high level of AMPK activity

    • AMPK registers energy in the cell

    • High levels of AMPK → More mitochondria → Long term health benefits

  • Low levels of exercise are good, but you need vigorous exercise.

    • Vigorous exercise is needed for hypoxia.

      • Low levels of oxygen are good for you

      • Even 10 minutes a few times a week

    • Hypoxia turns on helpful genes for blood vessel growth and mitochondria.

    • Running damages the cells, but this is good.

  • More mitochondria allow you to create more chemical energy

  • More blood vessels get more oxygen to tissues.

Glucose sensitivity

  • As we get older, our muscles and brain get less sensitive to the insulin our body puts out.

    • Mainly due to the aging biological clock (x-differentiation)

    • Our body gets worse at taking in glucose, so we don’t create enough mitochondria.

    • There is also too much glucose flowing around our body, damaging blood vessels’ lining.

  • Veg-f

    • Made by muscles after exercise

    • Goes into the lining of blood vessels.

    • Promotes the creation of blood vessels.

    • During aging, the signaling mechanism doesn’t work as well.

  • Turning on the production of NAD can increase veg-f and help blood flow and the creation of blood vessels.

Epigenome - Regulator of DNA

  • It tells genes whether to be on or off.

  • Believe epigenome is responsible for aging.

    • People who have a younger biological clock tend to have lower biological clocks.
  • You can measure proteins in the blood to measure aging.

  • People who exercise have a younger epigenetic clock.

  • These clocks can also predict your death.

    • But you can change that number.
  • Taking measurements is essential so you can take the necessary actions for “getting younger.”

  • Patrick Griffin - Describes a way to pool samples for DNA testing.

    • Hopefully, we will be able to take the Horvath test for less than a dollar.

Exercise Recommendations

  • There isn’t the best kind of exercise, do what you love.

  • Just get moving.

  • At least 75 minutes of vigorous exercise a week. Try to spread it out

    • Low heart rate is a good metric for health.
  • Wearables

    • As time moves on, we will get better at measuring our health.

    • Inside tracker is greater for measuring your age.

  • Importance of weight training

    • Maintain hormone levels

      • You can be prescribed testosterone

      • Or you can naturally boost it

        • Exercise large muscles, glutes, back, legs
    • Ability to walk well

    • Harder to build muscle as you get older; that’s why you need to maintain it.

    • Breaking a hip is close to a death sentence.

    • If you have muscles around your waist, you’re less likely to break muscles as you fall.

  • Senescent Cells (Zombie Cells)

    • When the epigenome becomes too out of wack, the body shuts the cells down and creates senescent cells.

    • You want fewer senescent cells.

    • You can kill off or reverse the senescent cells by exercise.

Takeaways on Exercise

  • A low level of exercise is needed. Get off your butt.

    • 4000 steps a day at least
  • High intensity

    • A few times a week, run out of breath

    • 75 minutes a week.

  • Muscle building

    • Hit the weights, maintain the muscle mass
  • All of this will make you live longer causes adversity memetics.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)

  • Wounds repair faster when you give them more oxygen.

  • Hyperbaric chambers - Room with increased pressure, making the oxygen “thicker,” making you breathe more oxygen per breath.

  • HBOT can reverse aging

    • Grows back the aglets of chromosomes

    • Improved dementia and Alzheimers in humans

  • Improve memory, telomeres, cognitive performance (still early)

  • Not sure why it’s working, but we know it’s working.

    • Similar to hypoxia, maybe
  • It impacted senescent cells.

  • Great way to mimic exercise

Cold Therapy

  • Being cold creates brown fat

    • Found in babies, which helps them fight the cold.

    • Adults have brown fat, and it mostly exists on your back.

    • Brown fat is very healthy

      • Revs metabolism

      • Burns white fat

    • Brown fat has lots of mitochondria.

  • Significant effects of longevity are due to the cold.

  • Make brown fat in middle age cause its harder to create brown fat when you’re older.

  • Treatment

    • Take cold showers

    • Sleep with very few covers

Applying Heat

  • Saunas are great

    • 20% reduction in cardiovascular disease

    • A few times a week

  • Helps stimulate new pathways.

  • No negative evidence of sauna

  • Hot shower

Adversity Mimetics

  • Turning on the defense mechanism produces endorphins

  • Basic protocols

    • Cycling heat and cold

    • More is better

    • Cold showers and hot showers both have their benefits.

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